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cool (re: tue & tivo) BTW, I did not mean I not gonna work on it again, I'm just shuffling priorities for a while. "I'll be back"
@smountcastle how did you handle system updates that required a reboot? Just curious
@hotdogsladies For what it's worth, it is possible to hydroplane.
Heading to the Reston Cocoaheads tonight!
Took the day off today. I'm visiting the air & space museum with Monica & the twins, let the wife take the day off for a change
I tried to make my Strat happy But in her resentment, she lashed out, and reminded me I have an appoinment with arthritis in my future.
I should be going to bed, but the Strat kept looking at me defiantly. "I know you've been eyeing that Les Paul DarkFire." I have make peace.
@capttaco @bobtiki I tried the web interface about 2 years ago and I recall not liking it. I should probably give it another try.
Time to do a laptop to laptop braindump. Oh happy day! glass trackpad here I come!
@capttaco do you use PCs at work? That is why I have been sticking to google reader. Especially because I can't install software. :-/
@capttaco no worries, there is always next week. See you Next week señor Taco! Unless it's too close to Xmas... :-)
@Ihnatko I will be there at 4:00pmish :-)
@borkware hey aperture has been screwing around w/ my orientation too. Just checked took pic w/ D300, metadata says portrait, get landscape
@Ihnatko Here are the pictures I promised from te Apple Pi
The old @bobtiki is back! Excellent! Nothing bring out the tikiness quite so well.
@Ihnatko Permision from the wife cleared! I will be there to see you tomorrow at π!
@incanus77 the nerve wracking part or the coin up was scrambling for extra quarters while your friend's "Blue Valkyrie is about to die!" :-)
Just closed on the house. Went out for lunch to celebrate. When I got the bill and signed I almost dated it. #musclememory
My will is in the Arrrgh. #6wordepitaph


Manton Reece Brian Cooke rands John Gruber teh_real_chock Emo Piñata Darth Vader Eric Blair Fraser Speirs Brent Simmons rentzsch Daniel Jalkut Andreas L Luis de la Rosa Gus Mueller Chris Liscio hotdogsladies Chris Hanson Mark Boszko bobtiki C4 Ian Baird ironcoder Andy Ihnatko Cabel M. Sasser Brandon Walkin Wil Shipley Victoria Wang John Moltz WebnoteHappy Philippe Casgrain Jonathan Saggau Justin Miller Michael Malone Rebecca Duhard Lucas Newman Michael James