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@ScottPiepho thanks - I think I'm at the point where I just need to go check 'em all out
@ScottPiepho ah ok - I'm trying to figure out the "plans" but I don't quite get when or how web surfing/access is included
when Verizon lists "broadband access plans" that's for those portable cards for your laptop etc. that's not something for the phone right?
@ScottPiepho on the touchscreen thing, I've read that it's really tough to get used to the difference re: no tactile feel to typing
@ScottPiepho Yes!! I have been thinking Centro!! right - no wifi tho I really like my palmpilot but it's three or four years old - no phone
@evessels actually - I don't think I want a touchscreen - what say you?
@ToddieDowns right - and if you have a Blackberry you don't really need wifi because you're using their system, I think lol
@ToddieDowns w/ a Blackberry you get it through RIM which is not WIFi - Wifi is to access the Internet so you don't use your plan, I think??
@MeganSmith er um lol I don't know exactly - I've been looking at specs and in Consumer reports and they list "wifi" as a separate feature
I need a vote: do I need smartphone to have wifi or not? someone was recommending Curve over Pearl but Curve doesn't have Wifi
new post, finally: Ohio's prison population: fear takes control again
ok - narrowing down phone stuff - I'm thinking no touchscreen, something Verizon, probably have to have wifi right? so no to the Centro?
@cyn3matic thanks I appreciate that-wanting to figure out how to write in a way that moves forward - not sure what that is
being productive, getting things done that needed doing, BIG BUT: I've barely blogged since Friday (more a Mumbai-induced muteness tho)
@ToddieDowns welcome back and get well soon! :)
@svmom Oh I am so sorry - I went through it Aug/Sept 2007 I think you'll appreciate this:
Rabbi, wife's bodies indicate signs of "almost inhuman torture"; doc requests press not to publish details
@Mickeleh me too I remember really well!
new post (finally): For the record: no retreat on White House Hannukah card error
just found a check I didn't deposit from when I was flat on my back w/a herniated disk last winter


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