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Seen Magpie yet? You can run your own ads in other people's timelines. Now, that's a neat idea!
@grumpyadman not gonna help me lose 40 lbs, but it will taste good clogging my arteries, so I have THAT going for me!
@grumpyadman If you're taking requests, Wise potato chips and TastyKake Chocolate cupcakes!
@nullvariable It's coming...patience, grasshopper! Patience!
@clhughey If you ever want to see your rain coat alive, you'll wire $7.28 to my offshore account in 3 seperate transactions! And NO COPS!
@GilGerretsen If you hurry, you MAY get a chance to say "Hi" to @clhughey's jacket! SHE'S not here, but her rain coat is VERY entertaining!
@HawaiiRealty Free of charge! I just love the movie!!!
@HawaiiRealty You're so pretty, you should be on a Christmas card!
@JMegonigal Sure! Scan in the ultrasound and text out a link! VERY cool!
Seen Magpie yet? You can run your own ads in other people's timelines. Now, that's a neat idea!
@giraffeweb I thought the Account Manager who might be looking for work was you...! I'm hiring, ya know!
@JMegonigal In fact I have...would be the exact some package, just re-branded!
@JMegonigal Thanks! BTW, do we need to get together?
@amoyal I don't think it's working for me yet, but I'm not 100% sure yet. Hard to track.


Evan Williams Wayne Sutton Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Elliott Kosmicki Jason Calacanis Chris Brogan Kevin Kennedy-Spaien Doug Haslam Jim Long Brian Solis Andy Kaufman  C.C. Chapman  Chris Heuer Tommy Morgan Sandy Robert Scoble Ian Schray giovanni Mark 'Rizzn' Hopkins the Domestic Diva Jeremy Pepper Phil Yanov Sarah Austin Jeremiah Chuck CNN Breaking News don thorson Jay Oatway Julia Roy Kevin Rose Todd Defren Steve Rubel ted murphy J. Patrick Greer Social Media Club
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