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Gas is finally below $2.00 per gallon with $1.99/gal at haffners! (but i didnt have to get any)
Wheels down at logan!
Getting ready to play wiffle golf at lunch....our team is defending last year's title!
Rgding to grandmas house to drop of the dog. long ride!
On my way through boston on my way to wertford to tend the kitties, then home for the dogs!
On the last day of our cruise. currently in key west on a beautiful, hot and sunny day!
Its been ages since ive posted, but im still alive and well...err, physically anyways :-)
Oh twitter, my twitter. have you lost that shine like an old pair of shoes?
Pinch me....the red sox are in the world series!
Trying to get ready for my Sustaining Transfer meeting. My plan is locked and loaded.
Well....I haven't posted to Twitter foe a while....and even then I have slowed way down. Has the Twitter excitement left me!?!
Going to work unsure of when i am coming home....i hope im not home by noon, but at this point it might not be up to me.
My photos of yesterdays event is here:
The dedication of the outdoor classroom yesterday was nice. The Telegraph article is here: ......
Medical emergency on plane. man rushed off. all i could do was pray.
Next stop, boston.
Im back in the usa! in chicago coming in from mexico.
Sitting on mexicana air flight to guadilaharaja mexico for business
My vasectomy has been moved up 4 hrs! -friday-


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