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Just got two fillings - my tongue feels like a foreign object in my mouth
@alanlepo please say hi to Neil and Geoffrey for me and that they should get their tushes on Twitter
Nice post by @michaelido on "Brokerage and Closure" - balancing "in the flow" and "above the flow" E2.0 use cases
Intriguing post by Andrew McAfee on E2.0 and recovery
Just sending a test tweet
RT @dmadey: Forbes: how to automate chaos. w/ interview from Ross Mayfield/Socialtext:
RT @schnaars: Great post on Web Worker Daily about @socialtext:
@jowyang Gordon Biersch PA would be super convenient for Socialtexters
@jowyang Thanks for the discussion and the pointers to your great content!
Holy cow it's December!
Mondays after long weekends = "reentry bends"
Weather forecast for Menlo Park today - Sunny, 69 degs. Life doesn't suck
@Pistachio Yes - that's why I've renamed RSS "Really Social Syndication"
I've signed up for too many news-by-email lists... culling aggressively and will depend on YOU all to alert me to important stuff
I would definitely have enjoyed biology more if the grad students had to do this: "Dance your PhD" contest
@frozen_vegan It's because this is when retailers' income statements go from red to black
How do you link you Twitter updates to LinkedIn or Plaxo status?
If you're not too sleepy you can read Scientific American's article saying thatit's dessert and booze not turkey
Well that was a different way to start Thanksgiving - went to the reopening of Mistuwa in SJ - line out the door waiting for 9am and packed!
RT @Ross: Mini case study on using Socialtext in the newsroom


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Jerry Michalski Matt Galligan danah boyd Ross om Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt Dion Hinchcliffe Thomas Vander Wal Christine Herron Susan Scrupski Reid Hoffman Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont MJ Brian Solis Gabe Wachob Karen O'Brien  Chris Heuer Mickipedia Auren Hoffman Robert Scoble Jason Alexander Stephen Collins Anil Dash Catherine Juon jimbo wales    Erica OGrady John Pederson Suw Sarah Austin Jeremiah Eszter
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