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In the director's cut of The Abyss, the plot suddenly makes a lot more sense.
Boulder twits by influence: and followers: - Thanks @Penguin !
My strange electronic music to program by:
@heathercapri That's terrible, hopefully they're going to have a long time to think about how creepy that was. Glad Apple came through!
Time spent petting cats is never wasted.
Beautiful day in the mountains, relaxing with Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind.The effects still haven't been equaled.
@cecilyc I just published the new version, and added you (before I thought FC was a lot further from Boulder than it is!)
I've expanded the Boulder Top Twits list and moved it to a permanent home: - I'm proud of my 'follow' button hack
@collination Thanks Colin! I'll have to pick your bike brains, you can see my near-disaster on super-walker here:
@imulus I was focusing on individuals for this one, I'll add you and a few others (like techstars) in another section though, good tweets
@mummey What does that say about us? Probably proves your point. :)
@laurencook I am cooking up a brand new list, you will be on there, need PR skills to balance out all the engineers!
@tarable Hi Tara! I made it further up Eldorado a couple of weeks ago, still not made it to the top. Maybe next trip...
I knew the best (and laziest) way to figure out the twits I was missing was to publish a list! Thanks everyone, I'm working on a new version
@electromute both @collination and @tarable mentioned you for my list, so I guess I have no choice. :)
Posted a list of the top 30 Boulder tech twitterers: - Let me know who I missed
Just followed the folks, to learn the secrets of boot-strapping a web business. *waves to Heather, Rachel & Nick*
10 phrases that your email will be searched for when your company is sued:
New post on backing up your Outlook account to Gmail:
@ronbrinkmann Love it-"For those of you who are snipers film is much safer to shoot because you never give away your position from the glow"


Matt Galligan lane Thor Muller greg cohn chris sizemore Kevin Marks Neils Brooks Anne Z. ed costello christopher carfi Jesse Warden PetePrestipino Mrinal Desai David Cohen Andrew Maverick Hyde Nat Torkington Rick Klau robert reich Stan James skinapi Derek Anderson Darren Barefoot Jud Tim O'Reilly Ross Turk daniela barbosa Matthew Hurst Brad Feld Ryan McIntyre Ingrid Alongi O'Reilly OSCON Jeremy Tanner Adam Steinberg Sameer Patel Anthony Dimitre Jeff Nolan
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