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Sarah Palin makes me proud to be a Democrat.
Discovering the that the flip side to having paying customers is that we now have to deal with paying customers. Not always a piece of cake
GMA day two - a little slower, but still going well!
the GMAs are treating us well!
I now understand the true meaning of tired
looking for a Los Angeles equivalent of The Kitchen - any suggestions?
from sara ludlow (the wife): enjoying the patio at the techcrunch party
michael arrington is really tall - I wouldn't have thought that
Headed to the PopSugar / TechCrunch party. Anyone else coming? It should be a blast!
Happy Good People Day! Check this out, from @kallena:
We had our big ultrasound today, and we're having a girl! Her name will be "Charlotte Elizabeth", and we couldn't be happier!
Thinking about moving to San Francisco - not going to do it of course, but thinking about it - thats one great city
day of conference calls and meetings... always fun
first madKast sale! For real, America greenbacks! Exciting day!
65 users and 3,097 page views in the first 24 hours - im happy with that
pondering - why is it that Mashable has such high readership, yet most posts have little to no comments?
@arinewman - its at 4 a gallon here in parts of LA, as well. Simply ridiculous...
Fans of Cute things - digg this:
Testing my new Facebook app, "Cute Wars" - would appreciate feedback:
Happy St. Patrick's Day! We're making Corned Beef and Cabbage, so if anyone's in the neighborhood (in LA), you're welcome to stop by!