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Early morning support call @ 4:00 am. Now do I stay up or try to go back to sleep?
Snow day! All Madison area schools are closed.
@tecarmona @tecarmona thanks for stopping by. I make it a rule not to launch nerfs at any visiting dignitaries.
hi @mike_stern , it's great to see so many folks in the Madison tech community represented on Twitter.
My Common Twitter Words: school my now like good time i'm winter bike @dnvw get snow day! @dconstien @junderwood tree make here back
Bringing in Cal Henderson's "Scalable Web Sites" book to loan. Chapter of note, Wireless Carriers Hate You.
Pulled the girl to school on my old "Typhoon" tobaggan. Now she wants to go to school like that all the time.
In confirming that I have a 24 year-old desk lamp on my desk at work, I have also confirmed that I am a dork.
Brisk walk to school with the girl, who when equipped with a scarf, was in good spirits.
A half-day of meetings. Man, that time flew. Wide range of topics from Flash ads to HDtv.
As the temperature dips tomorrow, I begin to wonder where I put my long underwear. There. I said underwear on twitter.
Realized that my pants and charging / sync cables were left at the office on Friday and thus, my iPhone has been shuttered for the weekend.
OH: Shiver me timurs.
At the BIM holiday party
@jimmyfallon , welcome to the revolution. Seriously.
putting a space into my twitter that should be a break, but is it?
BIM Dev still w/o a sketch to perform for the holiday party in 2 days. I'm thinking a dramatic reading of some template code would be fun.
@tecarmona when at BIM, stop on by the dev corner and maybe we'll give you a souvenir nerf dart.
@gwincr11 amen, brother. Winter bike riding gets you big time tough-guy points. I'm looking forward to another ride in.


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