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dentonmd check out the moon tonight. holiday party 3 hours and still going strong.
headed ti holiday party
@dinakaplan @tobyd I'm looking forward to tonight. Please save some drinks for me.
does anyone have a link to the wtf is social media presentation from back in November?
@travisnow not I but I'm checking it out now. I typically LOVE what google produces
@scottmonty Isn't ford the only one not taking bail out $$? A lot of people don't give credit to FMC b/c it's an American Car Manufacturer
@gregory I will miss DUMBO, but mid-town has some great lunch opportunities, and I'll be closer to YEB meetings. ;-)
@scottmonty when can we get a blogger test drive of this
@cThilk - faster to the punch than @Scottmonty? That's impressive, and not easily done.
@jvettorino not just the headline but the whole post.. bwahahahaha.. That said I will probably go get one.
is this this strike worth growing a beard over?
@tfletch posted photos of our snow weekend. If you came, thank you. If you couldn't make it, we are going on 1/23?
@paullyoung I love the idea but how do you measure trust?
@hdavis That's and awesome machine. What is your first picture going to be of? ;-)