About this Site

Licensing Information

The UNT International website is a publication of the University of North Texas. All content on this site is the intellectual property of UNT except where explicitly designated otherwise, and is licensed for use on this site only; no content appearing on this site may be reproduced elsewhere without explicit written consent.


The site is designed, developed and maintained by UNT International web developer Adam Jensen (ZCE). It is written in object-oriented PHP 5 on the foundation provided by the Zend Framework. Site content and other data are stored in a MySQL database. Occasional client-side page behaviors have been implemented in standard Javascript, with the help of the jQuery Javascript library. The site is hosted on an Apache web server operated by UNT's Central Web Support.

The majority of the content icons used are from Mark James's excellent Silk Icons collection, made available under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license. One notable exception is the icon designating syndication feeds, which was provided by feedicons.com.

All registered trademarks used on this site are the property of their respective trademark holders. Whenever such marks are used on this site, it in no way implies that UNT International is affiliated with, endorses, or is endorsed by the trademark holders or any of their products or services.


In developing this site, every effort has been made to ensure that all content is accessible to all visitors, regardless of the capabilities of those visitors' browsers. As such, you are not required to view this site in any particular browser or with any additional non-standard technologies.

However, your experience here will be better overall if you use a web browser that complies well with the XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 specifications published by the World Wide Web Consortium. The W3C has published a list of CSS-capable browsers. The UNT International webmaster recommends Mozilla Firefox.

Web Standards Compliance

Wherever possible, the site has been coded to comply with World Wide Web Consortium standards. In practical terms, this means that every page is intended to be well-formed, valid XHTML 1.0, with presentational styles assigned in external CSS 2.1 stylesheets.

Additionally, semantic microformats have been used in the XHTML source code to help describe page contents more thoroughly to user agent software.

Privacy Statement

The UNT International website adheres to the web privacy policies of the University of North Texas.