German Academic Exchange Scholarship

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers Undergraduate Awards to highly qualified undergraduate students for study abroad, senior thesis research and/or internships in the Federal Republic of Germany.

Awards for a Semester or Year Abroad for between four and ten months, either as part of an organized study abroad program, or as part of an individual, student-designed study abroad semester or year.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Students in all academic fields are eligible. Students must be enrolled full-time in an undergraduate program at an accredited US college or university.
  • Applicants must have at least sophomore standing at the time of application and at least junior standing by the beginning of the scholarship period.
  • Applicants need to be able to receive academic credit for their activity in Germany. The study abroad office of the applicant's home institution is requested to certify this.
  • In general, students must be United States or Canadian citizens. Foreign nationals are eligible if they have been full-time students at an accredited US or Canadian university for more than one year at the time of application and will return to the US or Canada after the scholarship period to complete their Bachelors degree.
  • Applicants must have well-defined study, research or internship plans for their stay in Germany. Applicants are required to submit the DAAD language certificate with their application. German language competency is desirable, but not mandatory. Please note that many German universities now offer a range of degree and non-degree programs partly or entirely taught in English. For further information on International Degree Courses contact DAAD New York or visit the DAAD Bonn website.
  • Scholarships are competitive and are selected by an independent selection committee on the basis of an outstanding academic record and a convincing and feasible project proposal or statement of purpose. Applicants are expected to demonstrate an interest in contemporary German and European affairs and to explain the significance of their project in Germany to their future studies, research or professional goals.

Terms of Award

Scholarships are offered for up to ten months during the German academic year (October 1-July 31) or between four and six months during either the Wintersemester or Sommersemester. Scholarships consist of a monthly stipend of 615 euros and one-time allowances of between 869.20 and 1,022.58 euros to help defray the cost of international travel and 150 euros for extra baggage expenses. Grantees are responsible for arranging their own travel. Grantees will also receive a one-time allowance of between 150 and 260 euros for books and start-up costs. Grantees will be covered by accident and liability insurance from DAAD. Grantees must have health insurance for the duration of their DAAD scholarship and must send proof of this insurance to DAAD Bonn after arrival in Germany. DAAD will reimburse grantees for the cost of the monthly insurance premiums for student health insurance (studentische Krankenversicherung or SKV) obtained through a gesetzliche Krankenkasse, (e.g., AOK, Barmer,) minus a contribution from the scholarship holder of 10.23 euros per month. Grantees taking part in an organized study abroad program are responsible for securing acceptance to the program. DAAD will assist grantees pursuing an individual, self-designed study abroad semester or year with admission to the German university of their choice. A written report and proof of credit recognition (or explanation of its absence) must be submitted to DAAD New York within eight weeks of the scholarship recipient's return to the United States or Canada.

Application Guidelines

Applicants must submit the following in triplicate, except for the letter of recommendation, language certificate and transcripts which require one original only. These items should be sent in a sealed envelope, or be sent by the professor or university directly to DAAD New York.

  • DAAD application form (one original, two photocopies) with the applicant's original signature in ink.
  • Curriculum vitae or resume in chronological/tabular form.
  • A comprehensive description of the proposed project of approximately three pages (typed) in English. Successful applicants will give exact details, dates and an itinerary of their study abroad program, proposed self-designed program, research, internship or summer or language course. They will explain specifically what they propose to study and explain their motivation for studying in Germany. Please note that the project description should focus primarily on academic goals rather than "personal development" and "broadening of horizons." Students should specifically touch on what academic resources they hope to take advantage of and how their time in Germany fits into their greater academic or professional career.
  • One letter of recommendation from a professor in the applicant's major field of study.
  • Statement of Support and Credit Eligibility Form-completed by the study abroad office of the student's home institution
  • One of the following:
    1. Proof of acceptance into the relevant study abroad program.
    2. Proof of registration for the proposed language or summer course.
    3. Letter of invitation to participate in an internship (including pay provided by the organization or firm, if any).
    4. Letter of invitation by a professor or researcher who has agreed to act as the applicant's mentor for their senior thesis research.
    5. A letter of invitation from a German university professor who has agreed to act as the applicant's mentor-for students proposing an individual, self-designed study abroad semester or year.
  • Official transcripts of all undergraduate work completed.
  • DAAD language certificate-completed by a faculty member of the German Department of the applicant's home institution (required for Long-Term applicants; optional for Short-Term applicants).

All documentation must be received by DAAD, (NOT postmarked) by the deadline. Faxed applications will not be accepted. The results of the competition are expected to be announced by the beginning of May. Please send all materials to:

ATTN: Scholarships
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
871 United Nations Plaza
New York, NY 10017-1814

office hours: Monday-Friday 9am - 1pm and 2pm - 4pm