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@munkymunch I don't think so...depends on what kind of racist clerk you get. Brown skin and squinty eyes...that kinda shit.
Ok, i'm officially loving the new FOB
I'm digging the new FOB, but maybe I'm just a Pete Wentz tool...though I went to HS with his wife. Not sure what all that means.
@jallen285 that's about the only thing I don't miss about Chitown-the traffic.
Watching SNL. Blago bit was pretty good, and kanye is on.
Having a few brewskies and watching family guy movie
@cyberczar i have not had time to dig into it but i did not notice spammyness.
@cyberczar it took about a week for me to get a response
At Target. this place is filled with the obese... in Waco, TX
Ugh, I can't wait to go home. I'm suffering from work dissatisfaction.
Tagging people in my Picasa far a much simpler experience than Windows Live Photogallery
At first I was really annoyed by the Christmas music playing all day while I'm at work. It seems to have grown on me.
I just pared down my facebook friends, it was becoming too much.
@munkymunch make @issokay help, or has he left already?
@munkymunch and he complains about the way I drive
slow night at work
I had a dream last night involving killer robots and decorating a Christmas tree with bits of Swiss cheese.
Today has been an interminably slow and boring day.


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