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Nice to know that Firefox is just as slow and crash-prone on Ubuntu as it is on Windows.. Now THAT's cross-platform development!
@lastyearsgirl_ What? I saw your tweet, I'm in front of the Internet, so I thought I'd try to help.. Gotta retain my title! :)
@lastyearsgirl_ No 92 goes past Great Western Retail Park.. That of any use?
@lastyearsgirl_ What? Are you offering me jelly beans? If yes I'll take them, but if not you're just delaying your CMS :P x
Twitter HALP! What's the closest Ubuntu has to TextMate? Or what should I be using to write HTML / CSS / PHP / JS?
@lastyearsgirl_ Yeah, sometimes takes a while.. Glad it worked in the end though :)
@lastyearsgirl_ Last in the office? It's just turned 8pm, and I'm still here.. Then again, my job's a lot easier than yours.. Ignore me :)
@pennyb Let me know if you do pop over.. Give me a shout if you get desperate for a support act too :)
@pennyb I see you're a friend of Lis's too.. Hello :) I'm Jonic, although you already knew that.. Nice to meet you.. Playing in York soon?
@pennyb Well the 'listen again' uses Flash.. They could stream mp3s through Flash too, I think.. That way Mac and Linux are ok too :)
@bbccouk Any plans to drop RealPlayer from the iPlayer's live radio? I hope you do, because it's simply terrible software..
@lastyearsgirl_ My last tweet to you was my 2,000th! Hurray and that! Playing In'ernet catchup today then? I don't envy you!
@lastyearsgirl_ I must have caught them being uploaded then.. There were only a few from Saturday up when I looked :)
@hawkster Didn't know you had a Tumblr man.. Consider it followed :)
On a fun-comedown (fundown?) after spending a fantastic weekend with @lastyearsgirl_, who I hadn't seen in two and a half flippin' years!
@amwelles Damn straight! I'm clearing out my old PC tonight, and then it's being permanently retired Hooray and that!
@istarman The keyboard is pretty damn small.. It'll take a little getting used to, but I'm managing for now..
@kionee This is to bridge the gap.. Can't quite afford a Mac yet, but it's coming in the new year :)


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