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Make a gift of stock

Donors transfer ownership of their securities to the University of North Texas Foundation, Inc. to create endowments or current project support at the University. By “transferring” publicly traded stock to the Foundation, donors bypass all capital gains, and receive a charitable deduction for the average of the high and low values of the security on the date of transfer.

How a Donor makes a Gift of Stock held in “Street Name” at their Brokerage

  1. Donors instruct their broker to electronically transfer (“DTC”) whole or fractional shares to the Foundation’s account at A G Edwards, Denton, TX: DTC number 0201, “FBO UNT Foundation, Inc.” using account number 6243 0237.
  2. Donors receive confirmation of the transfer from their broker, and an official receipt from the University of North Texas for the value of the gift.
Executive Director
UNT Foundation (940) 565-4555

Kyle Ratcliff, AG Edwards, Denton, Texas
Broker for the UNT Foundation, Inc.
(940) 565-1819, (800) 727-1819

How a Donor makes a Gift of Stock over the Internet
  1. Donors contact the UNT Foundation for its Charles Schwab account number (8991 7527), and the Charles Schwab DTC number (0164) and code (40).
  2. Donor implements electronic transfer instructions using their brokerage house website.
  3. Donors receive confirmation of the transfer from their brokerage account, and an official receipt from the University of North Texas for the value of the gift.
How a Donor makes a Gift of Stock Certificate(s) that they are holding
In Person:
  1. Donors obtain from their broker or the UNT Foundation office a Third Party Release (TPR) and a Stock Power form for each certificate gifted.
  2. Donors bring (a) the completed and signed TPR and Stock Power, and (b) their unsigned certificate(s) to UNT Foundation offices.
If Mailed:
  1. Donors obtain from their broker or the UNT Foundation office a Third Party Release (TPR) and a Stock Power form for each certificate gifted.
  2. Donors send the signed TPR and Stock Power to UNT Foundation office.
  3. Under separate cover, donors send their unsigned certificate(s) to UNT Foundation office.
Donors will receive confirmation of the transfer from the UNT Foundation, and an official receipt from the University of North Texas for the value of the gift.

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University of North Texas Foundation, Inc.

Gateway Center | Room 149 | 801 North Texas Blvd.
Mail to: 1155 Union Circle #311250 | Denton, Texas 76203-5017
(940) 565-4555 | fax: (940) 369-7111 | e-mail:

Page updated: November 25, 2008 | Privacy statement