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+ Recent News  

Several of you are worried about the "leave 24 hours after your last exam" policy.  We encourage students to do this if at all possible , but we certainly understand if your parents are unable to retrieve you until Friday.  So please do not stress about when you have to leave. 

If you do leave TAMS before Friday of next week, you will need to turn in a Travel Request on tamsIam and have your parents call the front desk (940.565.4955) to approve it.  Also, do not forget to turn in your check-out sheet you received in wing meeting this week to the front desk with your key attached.

We are also giving students the option of commuting from home over Finals Week.  In order to do so, you must submit a Travel Request through tamsIam, have your parents call to approve, and turn in your check-out sheet upon leaving.  If you choose this option, you may not come back to stay at McConnell Hall during the week.

----- Wing Announcements - 11.19.08
----- MHA Fall Formal Pictures now online!
----- TAMS Tournament Photos Up
----- Wing Announcements - 11.12.08
----- Wing Announcements - 10.29.08

******2008 TAMS Tournament Results******

