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Missing Posts- Database Errors With WordPress: If you notice, several posts are missing. I have had is.. error log says MySql Database error but I've made no changes- hell I haven't even blogged
anyone out there who can take a look at my blog and tell me wtf to do before I kill DreamHost
@Sally_G see, it isn't that hard :D
West Virginia Words And Phrases-A Translation.: After writing the post Appalachian Dialects: I Speak M..
West Virginia Words And Phrases-A Translation.: After writing the post Appalachian Dialects: I Speak M..
Blog Blast For Peace: I am proud to be participating in the Blog Blast for Peace this year! A new dawn..
Blog Blast For Peace: I am proud to be participating in the Blog Blast for Peace this year! A new dawn..
@patrickd88 I must have deleted it when I did a site clean-up, sorry
I used to have a template I kept on hand just for blog list let me look if I have it I'll send. Then you can just copy and paste links
I cannot get the commentluv plugin to work at all and yes my host uses curl
@patrickd88 think of it this way- at least your site will load faster without the javascript
@patrickd88 I do it the old fashioned way- hard code them in
I'm in freakin' west virginia we don't have earthquakes
ems station: 2.1 earthquake centered near Clay
i thought it was my neighbor's truck
we just had a small earthquake
Perfectionism Is Not A Requirement.: This is a post some of you may not understand, or even care to re..
ya know, dammit- I'm using that pic on the sidebar of my blog- as a mantra of sorts. Freakin' inspirational , it is.
I think this one is my all time favorite. Friend of mine sent me the link and I was cracking up.


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