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Fridge is empty:( Can't wait 4 my weekly shopping @ Lidle/ALDI tomorrow
Had a lovely walk from Canary Wharf to Greenwich. I love that area
@awfulsouls Yeah, the BX had the gas mechanism that would lift it up B4 you start driving... Remember it? lol
@awfulsouls Yes I am... why? Plz DM me
@ThomasGudgeon No worries, I'm an Essex guy as well. Whereabout in Essex? I come from Harlow
@awfulsouls I'm starting 2 work in a cafe tomorrow, so I'll have some money coming in. I'll step up the ladder doing freelance
@awfulsouls My dad bought a Citroen BX afterwords. He's had many cars since including a Peugeot, but nothing was like the Saab...
@BritishBeef Yap, I think they considered it as spamming... I did get carried away, I must admit...
Going 4 a stroll along the Thames starting at North Greenwich & going Eastwords. Anyone up 4 the challenge? Plz DM me in the next hour
Good night Twitterers... C ya soon...
Checking out this really interesting language learning centre They've got lots of free stuff as well
@solessence Yeah maybe... Or maybe the fact that I've twittered a tone of messages in sequence after a long silence. Maybe they got scared..
Missing the CCC meetings... will deffo get back there soon...
@solessence I was in Israel B4. I could have developed there as well, but I find UK a much better habitat for me, and far more professional
I've lost 6 followers tonight. Must have done something wrong:(
@solessence I could go on and on but I'm afraid I'm only allowed one resolution aren't I?
@Britt7094 There's nothing like the familiar drink from home... I tend to be really fussy especially when it comes to my coffee
@awfulsouls Loved that car... A shame my dad had to sell it:(
@awfulsouls Saab.. What a brilliant car that was... I liked it's humming noise... It had the gears by the steering wheel I remember...
@aflyonthewall Thank you... Interesting...


paul rollo Mr Messina Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier Dan Cederholm Dave Kellam Dexter Pontañeles maya Paul Farnell David Gleason Justine tim malbon ribot Chris Brogan Jim Long Emily Chang Alicia Jeremy Keith Mike Chambers Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis Tantek Çelik Guy Carberry Hickensian Erik Richard Rutter Si Jobling Bre Pettis Drew McLellan Ian Anderson Gray Aust Derek Featherstone Stuart pixeldiva Tom Coates
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