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I wonder what the late night people will do for the shoe incident.
I really want to see Che and Frost/Nixon and @blogdiva ain't helping! :p
morning y'all. first day back to work post-exams. yay?
@TheJLV :( take care of yourself.
wanting to blog more so that means i need a topic beyond "hay sup u guise hehe i has chocklit." browsing around now for inspiration, natch.
@FiniNevermore Wednesday looks like a go, and my mom's trying to give us a ride. I may spring for a cab to make sure she doesn't come. :-p
ProblemChylde: The Aussies’ New Take on Barbecue
@FiniNevermore Okay. Let me think on it because I have to find out what time I'm going to visit my grandma. I'll call you tonight RE:time.
@FiniNevermore lol you know you're not out of my way. hmm. i guess i could catch a cab to your house and we could hop on the 35
@FiniNevermore hahaha, white marsh it is, then. should we meet up there?
@FiniNevermore we could go to white marsh or the harbor and window shop or something? feel free to suggest an activity. i'm stir crazy now.
@FiniNevermore i have work monday and i think i'm going to try to work tuesday since they're doing an office xmas party. so maybe weds/thurs
@fauxrealtho redonkulous and on my wish list. dessert form of guinness? sign me up.
@saorla_ and sleep well if the weel doesn't work out :-p
@FiniNevermore hey, do you want to hang out sometime this coming week? i work only two days and my mom will likely drive me nuts.
okay why does it seem like snoop is everyone's uncle? is this something i'm not aware of? he calls john legend "nephew" & it squicks.


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