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New Blog Post: The end of a decade approaches: Today marks the beginning of my last year in my 20s..
RT @bloodandmilk: HIV even scarier than we thought
why is it icky and rainy on my birthday?? and a winter storm elsewhere? i hope this doesn't bode bad things about my last yr in my 20s
@jmortonscott Thx! And thanks for the good conversation too :)
Am reading yesterdays Post article on Obamas 27 year old speechwriter. I'm fascinated!
New Blog Post: The NEA doesn’t speak for me: Earlier this week, Rich Cizik was fired from hi..
@ajsheets gasp! are you a @boxee beta user?! Signed up for a beta test AGES ago, nothing yet. <sniff> do you know if it works overseas?
@warrenss So sorry to hear the news ... will keep my eyes/ears open for you
"Profit" comes from Latin "profectus," meaning "progress." So "nonprofit," is literally, non-progress. Good read:
Finally catching up; everyone can be mad! Rev. Lowery, same-sex marriage supporter, to give inauguration benediction. Way to go, BHO. Luv it
@jmortonscott Hm. Can understand ur resentment. Hopefully BHO's invite helps the country have a better dialogue about gay rights issues!
@jmortonscott He's done things to expand Christian agenda, no? Isn't dialogue w/more openminded Christians good? BHO not endorsing RW views
I keep entering these ideeli giveaways, have gotten others to sign up. But am thinking no one really actually wins anything.
New Blog Post: You know you’re graduating when …: … instead of just hammering th.. is way better than for watching shows
seeing that some twitterers are mad about Obama's pick of Rick Warren for invocation prayer. I'm curious to know why that's so bad
My buddy @phil2k is trying to convince his big-name consulting firm to use Twitter. Anyone have ideas/tips for him?
If you're looking for a cool gift for the tea lover in your life:


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