Andy Kaufman’s Favorites

Hugh MacLeod
gapingvoid It's getting harder and harder for me to forge relationships with non-Twitter users... like it was with non-email users a decade ago.
 Chris Heuer
chrisheuer insyte: the rules for developing software and web sites hold true for producing media. good. cheap. fast. you can have any two
PreppyDude On another twitter note.... I had no clue there were so many REALTORS on twitter
adrian chan
gravity7 hilarious -- i can be seen talking on phone in streetview google maps for my address:
Mr Messina
factoryjoe "The most innovative thing you can do in 2009 is survive." - Jason Calacanis
JohnCleese Terry Gilliam invented Time Travel (hence his Time Bandits film). We went forward in time, watched YouTube, and stole our own ideas. Clever!
Teresa Boardman
TBoard friends don't expect friends to play meme games
Aubrey Sabala
Aubs Banner day! After months of it denying my potty mouth, my iPhone agrees that I'm a sailor and correctly auto-corrected a typo to "fucking"!
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue The rule is: direct exchanges of Whuffie r free (helping eachother/collaborating), but when u want time from me for ur project, I charge.
Kelley Koehler
housechick next crowded room i walk into, i'm gonna yell 'YO REALTOR!' and see how many people look up. #nar2008
Teri Lussier
TeriLussier Ah election eve. can't wait for Wed morning when I'll wake up a princess in a big castle with a pony in the backyard. hooray.
Jonathan Dalton
PapaGrande And if you're a teenager and not in costume, you're not trick or treating. You're begging for food.
Mark Davidson
markdavidson Twitter is not about eyeballs, it's about connecting with people. This follows closely in line with mostly Replying instead of broadcasting.
heathr Phillies won. OJ going to jail. Guns N Roses Chinese Dermocracy coming out...karma time = PresBama!
Gary Vaynerchuk
garyvee I am really excited to be living in these times! I am straight up serious :) we are so frickin lucky...Thank You :)
Kevin Cheng
k I asked @coley to marry me. She said, "absolutely!" We have video evidence. It's a beautiful day.
Kelley Koehler
housechick best part about makin' bacon, other than fun with two rhyming words: bacon scented house all day.
Jessica Swesey
jswesey walked past a closed Countrywide office on Saturday. saw a guy peeing on the side of the building. that about sums it up
FakeSarahPalin The reason why nobody has any gas in ATLANTA is cuz Pootin INVATED GEORGIA WHERE ATLANTA IS. How come nobody but me put that together? pshh
Jason Berman
jbinfrisco My takeaway from #rebw & #bwe08. Be yourself. Some amazing people in this space that live and breathe that mantra. Embrace that.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Lars Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Ross caroline Nitin Borwankar om tedr Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Hillary Hartley tommy payne Scott Beale Oren Michels Roderick
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