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Becky's husband Dave: "I think I'm finally at the age where I have to accept it-- I'm just never going to be a ninja."
If 'Twilight' was just two hours of Robert Pattinson interviews, I would pay money to see it. He is ENDLESS ENTERTAINMENT.
I am having the Best Week Ever.
There was no entry last night because Addie found a coffee-filled chocolate on the counter. You can imagine.
@slimindiej I totally want to get a phone call from William M. Buttlicker. (His family built this country, by the way.)
'The Office' is finally BACK. Last night was awesome.
@slimindiej WHAT??? How did I not know this? He was my favorite author in high school.
For how awesome Barack must feel this morning, sheer terror has to be looming in the background. Talk's over. Walk's next.
I will vote when I feel like voting and who I feel like voting for. STOP. CALLING.
Scratch last update. I'm going to bed. Heh. Pictures to come TOMORROW!
@valinprogress You are officially FIVE TIMES farther along than I am. So awesome. <3
It's probably creepy how often I visit Crime Library.
Hundreds of photos left to label on Flickr. I'm already tired.
I'm so glad I wasn't alive in Mad Men's version of the 1960's. I actually MUCH prefer the world today.
Apple sauce and cinnamon graham crackers. Like apple pie, but with less guilt.
Upgrading my Wordpress. Everyone hold tight.
MY BROTHER IS HAVING A BOY!!!! I'm going to have a nephew!!!!! :-D :-D :-D
@HokieMel07 Aw, I heart you so much, Melissa. :-D
I hate this time of the morning. I'm always so lonely and bored.
I need a new cell phone, and I need suggestions. Requirements: music and camera. And the calling/talking part.