
Hey there! EricFriedman is using Twitter.

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Looking at sites Google Friend Connect implementations - looks like folks just use the standard widget and hope people "join" their site
@Fraser share your best findings - I am looking too
Thanks to all who answered my question "Do you follow everyone that follows you on Twitter?" will tally results ton ......
@touraj Definitely a shopping engine that has now re-sold my data at least 3X to providers now targeting me everywhere - very specific
Just saw an ad for a very specific search I did over a month ago - got cookied - weird to see it following me after so long...
@CandiceStone I look for quality over quantity as well - just wanted to take a random sample from folks who wanted to participate
@WebsiteMagazine I tried out MrTweet but it was not working for my account - will try out again later
Do you follow everyone that follows you on Twitter?
There is a new widget in town - blog post join my blogs Google Friend Connect network
I hope they never come out with a .ocm top level domain as I typo that quite often
RT: @andybeal Looks like 3rd and inches: Hilarious :)
Watch out for those that claim to be social media experts -
holiday scheduling is getting hectic
anyone recommend good renters insurance in NYC?
I want to make pie charts out of real pies when I see them
Time Warner Cable does not understand their own Turbo Boost service! so frustrating
I think I am spending way to much on domain names I do not use. Guess I will have to start on project or two to make them worthwhile :)
@mcancino that looks amazing


Biz Stone Evan Williams Andy Keep Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic Noah Chris Sacca Jerry Richardson heif Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Mack D. Male om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale President Monteiro Rob Hayes Manuel Viloria Bernardo BJ Cook John Zeratsky Josh Bancroft Antonio Edward (jeff)isageek Brett Petersel Erik
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