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"If you are outside the UK you will not be able to use for rights reasons." The BBC even limits promotional info access?
Netflix has a feedback form, but it's hidden as an option behind the Title Request link. You might think they don't want to hear from us.
Just received a voicemail message on my iPhone. It was left over two hours ago. Thanks, AT&T. Assholes.
Google ads inserted WITHIN each individual forum message? That's obnoxious, and it distracts readers from the actual content.
The new Video On Demand menu is one of those slow-ass, separate applications that looks butt-ugly in widescreen. TiVo, when will you learn?
First thing you see when you load a Blu-ray disc: "5 Years in Federal Prison." Thank you, Hollywood, for treating everyone like a criminal.
@natelanxon The way Dashboard is implemented, I keep forgetting about it. There needs to be an easier way to keep widgets on the desktop.
United just sent me little cards to compliment United employees. It's a shame they'll likely never present me opportunities to use them.
Has "i'm lovin' it" always had a lower-case "i'm?" Wow...I hate the campaign now more than I ever have all of these years.
Love Amazon, hate it's search/browse. 371 digital frames I can filter by price, brand, or rating. How about size, resolution, frame color?
@fordo I was in your shoes two years ago, so I'm so sorry. It sucks, but it tends to turn out for the best. Maybe this is a sign to Go West?
When I have to restart my MacBook for updates every month or so, it never shuts down without some press-and-hold-power-button intervention.
I just found myself editing...myself on Twitter, so as not to say something that could be misinterpreted if read out of context. I'm no fun.
Adobe stock dropped today despite a very public staff trimming yesterday. Learned: market trends have more impact than corporate activities.
You made me do it, @fordo. Your incessant talk of Nutella--I had to buy some. Now to decide which calories win tonight: beer or Nutella.
Seriously...F the domestic car companies and the unions that have driven them to their current respective fiscal states.
And while we're talking about the economy, can we expect the airlines to drop that surcharge now that fuel prices have leveled? No? Shocker.
OK, I'm really tired of watching companies cut staff in anticipation of bad times. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. So thanks for that.
And my pizza still hasn't arrived.
There's a stress knot in my gut about the size of a grapefruit.


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