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@chrisfullman I couldn't agree more. Dadgum whipper snappers! Get off my lawn!
@wilw There is nothing more awesome than gaming on the floor. Doesn't matter what game, floor will always beat table.
@otherniceman I hate it when that happens. That's when unit tests really start getting valuable.
Gah! I hate using OWA for my email. I had no idea I used the tab key so often.
At @sixapart's new NYC office, wondering where all these people came from! I remember when it was just @djacobs, a couple other folks and me
Woah! When did Google Reader fancy itself up?
Work emails and Elivis's '68 Comeback Special DVD. An interesting evening.
I love that twitter lets me passively stalk some of my favorite authors and actors.
@micheleneylon Practical is overrated. I want items for entertainment purposes only! :)
Tinkering with MediaConsumer again. #mt
@scalzi Only fifteen months? Lightweight!
@technosailor You say that like you weren't a nerd already. :)
The Malazan world from Gardens of the Moon, and beyond, was originally a role playing world for AD&D and then GURPS. Neat!
@greggersh The first Death Gate book is high on my TBR pile, actually. I'll have to see about sneaking it in sooner.
@jjthomas I consider myself even more of a nerd than I was back then, and proud of it! And I say we have a bloggers' D&D game sometime soon.
@jjthomas That sucks. Raistlin was one of the more interesting characters. And then, of course, there were the kender. Oh, the kender.
@jjthomas I used to have an omnibus (annotated, I think?) edition of the Dragonlance Chronicles, but it was severely water damaged. BM FTW!
Thinking about various fantasy novels. I should write something on Reading Rayners.
@technosailor Plenty of the DL Chronicles books are available on Bookmooch. Maybe I will have to snag a few and give them a re-read.
@greggersh Bookmooch/Paperbackswap! Free books plus getting rid of old books. It's win-win!


adam Michael Sippey Matt Jacobs Walt Dickinson Andre Torrez finn Steve Ivy rands miz_ginevra Brad Choate Anil Dash Jay Allen James Cox Twitterrific Lisa Phillips David Recordon hotdogsladies Jason J. Thomas Matt Haughey amber mac David Jacobs Sarah Sosiak Six Apart Aaron Brazell Steve Mermelstein Chris Ernest Hall Rick Klau Chris Fullman Beau Smith Wil Wheaton Mike Kania Benjamin Trott Jesse Gardner? №! Deals Remember The Milk Christopher J. Alden