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Going the wrong way on a highway. (so is everyone else)
Back in the USA, Belize was awesome.
Lemons taste awesome after magic fruit
Freezing at Yosemite
Kim flew out of lines! I got my feet over the board! Best class ever!!!
Drunk man on street just sang: "I don't care if you're gaaaayyyy, but I'm not. So let me stuff that in to that place"
Just saw the Onion delivery man
Halfway done with Invisalign!
Blockbuster is closed due to flooding. Wow.
Here's hoping Wayne's post-Lasik 20/20 vision doesn't help him start beating me at tennis
My grandma's recipe box contained 5 copies of the JELL-O Jigglers recipe
I wonder if there is a way to ride this rolling suitcase down this hill.
working on my mom's web site:
Just watched Tony Bennett live at google. What an awesome human.
The guy next to me on the bus keeps reading my monitor over my shoulder. This is not acceptable.
That's the third 'yellow' light my bus driver has run in a row.
I just saw a dog in a raincoat.
Finally got the high score on the arcade game I started playing at the dentist when I was six. 18 years of work finally pays off.
Today is a work day I'm very glad to see end.
I can't imagine life before craigslist


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