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@melindaf lol...thanks for the reminder, that was funny.
My son jumps into the bed and drags his urine soaked pullup across my face...and so my day begins.
@simBateman We're supposed to get into a decent storm pattern later this week so the snow should start piling up quick.
#BendBroadband throttles FTPS traffic and then resets connection. FAIL!
I can tell it's Friday, just spent an hour chasing down a dirt simple bug that was right in front of my eyes. the whole time. Oy!
@schmidt4brains lol. thanks. I had a good laugh on that pic.
@reboog711 Nothing like thread.sleep() but you could use a Timer instance.
Checking out Ruboss (Rails/Merb <=> Flex framework) anyone know anything about it? Opinions?
@gmcerveny The Wii is maybe ok but you never, and I mean never buy a woman a weight loss related gift. :-)
Reviewing some HORRIBLY formatted MXML. I can feel my OCD kicking in. I may be forced to change this dude's code.
@jwilker My wife is using it on her iMac. She syncs her Curve to Gmail and Gmail to our iCals. No USB needed. Wish iPhone was that easy.
@google announced GCal now supports the CalDAV protocol AND iCal syncing!
RT @thillerson: Exciting new mini-series on InsideRIA: Flex Frameworks.
Lunch and a movie with my wife. I need to decompress after Black Friday shopping. - This is the line to checkout. I'm in deep trouble. - This is the line to checkout. I'm in deep trouble.
We just lost cable...NO FOOTBALL!! Ahhhhhh!!
@JenFloyd08 The weather is no different here :-(


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