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drowning in an unholy torrent of nested tables and fixed widths. i *hate* building html email templates.
@jasonechols kinda sad, but this is the first thing I noticed
@mercurystate no sir, today's just my early day
"no, the software isn't broken, you just don't know how to use it. thanks for creating a ticket for this that I can reassign back to you."
Tonight featured another unsuccessful attempt to read "Love You Forever" to my little girl without bawling like a chump.
I haven't played many iPhone chess apps, but Deep Green is freaking *nice*. Well worth the fiver (and thanks to @gruber for the rec.)
Oh, and A Confederacy of Dunces is turning out to be pretty good. About .25 of the way through it.
Success. Beer, homemade cookies and The Dark Knight.
Hoping to get a copy of The Dark Knight at the video store.
Drooling over Deep Green for iPhone. Oh, and Tap Tap Dance.
bullcrap: The prolific John Munch
@jxpx777 it's helped me a few times when I haven't had time to sync before leaving the house. but i agree, it should be smarter.
i'm an Inkpot user, for what it's worth
Vim users - your colorscheme of choice?
@jdcoffman Evernote, byline, tweetie, mail, SMS
@FanEffingTastic pretty sure blow is coke, not meth (aka crank$
Just saw 4 dudes run out of the grocery store with armfuls of cheap beer. You can always count on the degenerates to keep things interesting
Dear Tide, "why pay for water?" we're not. We pay for what the water is mixed with. Just like with beer and coffee. Morons.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Dunstan Rael Dornfest Manton Reece Nick Douglas Mr Messina (jeff)isageek Jonathan Wight Aaron Huslage Dan Cederholm Arnold l.m. orchard Jay White Veronica Belmont Beep. David O'Hara Nate Koechley Andy Baio hober Bryan Villarin Alex Payne Faruk Ates Jeff Croft Grant Hutchinson rands John Gruber Neven Mrgan David Chartier Jim Ray David Brown teh_real_chock Gedeon Maheux Scott McNulty
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