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@packerbackers can rodgers win a comeback game?
@packerbackers packers are actually stopping the run.
@packerbackers pack up 13-3 with 1 min to go in first half.
(That was a Joke!!)
Just missed a perfect opportunity to bump off my mother-in-law!
Lapham Peak was PACKED. Who knew xcountry skiing was this popular.
@raster egg mcmuffin & hashbrowns... Delicious!
Going skiibg at Lapham.
Can't find my ski poles nor one ski boot. Gonna make it hard to go skate skiing tomorrow.
This elmo clip cracks me up:
Use Word, email or a blog to update your website via Feed.Us: Here's a quick video post to show how you can avoi..
A little advertising: check out the Feed.Us demo video I just made about using email and Word to update your site:
The more niche you are... the easier it is to find you in Google.
Chrome is not a supported browser in gmail?
Message trying to visit gmail on Chrome: "We're sorry. It seems there is a problem. Please try using Gmail with a supported browser."
just remembered that I owe @tapps some $$$$
It's in my best interest that this auto bailout happens soon. So, congresspeople & Pres... get on it?
I'd really like to setup another site... but I didn't get the CSS from thechoppr. That means I can ditch.


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