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Link to go with last tweet:
Just me or is this nonsense? - Google not paying enough for bandwidth? Just economies of scale + fact that viewer pays for bandwidth too
@mattuk shiny! Thanks.
Dear lazyweb. What are some really good media / magazine style wordpress themes? Free or paid. Pref white with some ad blocks
Time for a haircut. It's cold today- ears might be chilly afterwards...
@loribourne yes. They know it's a problem. We've been struggling against the same thing in http://reputation.distilled...
@SEOmom oh. I did. Some beer + wine later... At least we paid for it eh?
Going underground at London bridge on way to distilled Xmas party. Everyone else ahead of me. I made a sorry sight left in office alone :(
Maybe I'm being paranoid, but it seems to me that it's an advert (bit like pay per post) and therefore G's guidelines say it should be nofo
@mattcutts (or anyone else) nonofo link from a paid jobs board - would you class that as a paid link? (see for nonofo)
@qualitynonsense will do. Not heard a lot yet!
Also, anyone got any data / case studies on selling tenancy by time vs. CPM and relative benefits?
Never been very involved with direct ad sales teams. Anyone manage one? Do you have KPI on % inventory sold? What level do you call good?
Yay. Google is working again (I broke it earlier and whole office has been getting captchas all day)
@senatorbolton :) thanks. I'll be sure to tweet about it if I finally get it rolling!
@petewailes heh. See this isn't work. It's a hobby. (for me). But thanks. Will do
Figure I'll learn a lot and @sugarrae 's tweets (though not aimed at me directly) keep taunting me to learn and saying I can do it...
Can any affiliate experts out there give me pointers where to start? How do I find good programs? Want to advertise stuff I actually like
So. I'm thinking of a personal blog project with advertising and affiliate stuff based around my love of food and cooking. As an experiment


David Stone Mel Kirk Ryan Carson Gillian Carson Peter Cooper Tim Bradshaw elstob Ste Davies Joshua Green Allen Stephan Spencer hotdogsladies Darwin Peltan Natala Menezes Vinny Goldsmith Chris Garrett Andy Beard Michael Gray Danny Sullivan Kevin Gibbons Natasha Robinson SearchMarketingExpo robwatts Hilary Perkins Ciaran Norris Neil Patel Lyndon Antcliff Todd M Vanessa Fox Andy Beal Kate Mackenzie ShoeMoney James Whatley Peter Shankman Katy Howell Michael Campbell Matt Cutts
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