Lora Lufark’s Favorites

Dave Keffen
DavidKeffen Women are always finding new ways of humiliating their man...but the line 'hold my purse for me' works every time.
Lora Lufark
SexySEO three fools sitting on rails LOL :)))
Lora Lufark
SexySEO Pessimist can see only endless tunnel, optimist a light at the end the tunnel, realist tunnel, rails and train and only motorman can see
liako Lou Holtz - "Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it."
Jason Pontin
jason_pontin #EG Everyone famous and over 30 is shorter, fatter, and more defeatedly fucked-up than you expect; everyone younger, prettier.
Valdis Krebs
valdiskrebs RT< @geogeller: i am not who i think i am - are you? > me: Maybe "I am who WE think I am" or some combo of I and WE... key = delta of I & WE
shel israel
shelisrael @ToddGilmore I'm 64. Wisdom doesn't begin at 40. But it's at about age 40 that you start realizing you have some.
Bryce Baril
brycebaril Tooth fairy visited my daughter last night, tooth fairy payouts showing 20% inflation in the last 6 months.
jowyang "We're starting over with the data center, rather than be in your IT center its now in the cloud" Sun CTO.
doshdosh People talk about twitter etiquette and how to tweet in a way which 'adds value'. How about just being yourself? Nobody ever recommends that
doshdosh A cause of sorrow: Believing that people share your idea of reciprocity. Never think people owe you anything, even when they do.
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly @glichfield Don't pay attention to who follows you at all. The useful ones will eventually @ you, or be the subject of an @ message you see.
Valdis Krebs
valdiskrebs @absolutesubzero yup, that's my quote... "connect on similarity, profit from diversity"... so, why does that work?
Lora Lufark
SexySEO Dogma: Oversizing and survival never go together (also applies on the Internet ;)
Lora Lufark
SexySEO 24-hours use of "legal identity" in the Internet?! LOL It's never going to happen! Why? Ask yourself! ;)
Jason Pontin
jason_pontin One can always work harder, until one can't.
Lora Lufark
SexySEO OH: "There is nothing in the world as powerful than an idea whose time has come... Yeah the time will come.. end of January? Is it O'k?" LOL
Tim O'Reilly
timoreilly As I say, "Create more value than you capture." I hope there are lots of startups built on ideas I've broadcast (or rebroadcast from others
jowyang I attended an event recently with no female speakers. I've just recommended some female speakers for their next event, should be great.
Lora Lufark


Biz Stone Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Dick Hardt om Dave McClure Mr Messina Michael Parekh Micah Alpern Rob Hayes Dave Winer Scott Hussein Rafer Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Jim Long Alex de Carvalho ian kennedy cody simms Adam Broitman Bradley Horowitz Robert Scoble Paul Lindner Scott Kveton dotBen Eric Friedman jimbo wales Hugh MacLeod Kevin Marks Robyn Tippins Jeremiah Jeremy Zawodny Werner Vogels Tamar Weinberg Paul BillyWarhol TIGS
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