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Just noticed that gmail pdf attachments view nice + fast in google docs
man Pligg is a spam magnet!
RT @GregBoser: Did I hear you say SMXAustralia? When? Man we're crying out for some real conferences down here!
@oilman - I'm sooo jealous!!! Hope they'll be out here in oz soon
wondering y i still bother browsing the web with a crackberry!
looove gmail's terminal theme. Brings back memories
ha! The Onion tweets make me laugh
sick of being a taxi
I must be getting old. Classical music in the office actually help me think better
dl'n Dexter season 3
ok, so Big Bang theory is on tomorrow night in Oz. Only about 10 episodes behind the US !!
watchin Big Bang Theory. Dont have it here in Oz so downloads are the go. Wake up networks!!
OnlyWire want cash for bookmark submissions!
Checkin out TweetDeck. Cooool!
buildin' links - man this is boring - might have to start paying someone to do it for me
watchin' the Mentalist
why dont these tiny URL's have a div layer displaying the real URL - how hard would it be? I shouldn't have to click to see!!!
damn network is so slow that I feel myself getting older
I just updated my Squidoo page: Cool Gifts for Christmas /
paying damnbills


Chris Brogan Snook Michael Gray Danny Sullivan Lee Odden Liz Strauss Vanessa Fox Matt Cutts Todd Friesen Dave Naylor Ross Hill aaron wall Steve 'Doc' Baty Steven Clayton Lisa Barone Susan Esparza GregBoser AussieWebmaster timothysykes Steve The Onion waraas Brian Carter Jeffrey_Smith John Chow Brent D. Payne BruceClayInc We Build Pages stevepavlina Jim Boykin