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brain fried for tonight... bed for me... the next year is going to be hell :)
kids are off school tomorrow... tomorrow is all about plotting the future...
and then we wonder why the place is a useless kool-aid infested shit show
16 hours ago, a newbie said hello the the community: and the community said SHIT back
RT @jcoronella Blog Post: SEO Blogs are Worse Than Affiliate Feed Sites
@remarkablogger yes, I am... I need shit like that sometimes... @copyblogger made a comment about there not being enough women - he's right
@graywolf no, no... do your thing - just don't forget to check it later :)
@graywolf to be honest, it left me feeling more motivated to work then any other conversation I've had about my recent stuff :)
feeling UBER motivated atm
@graywolf have you listened to the call yet? I'm sure you saw what was applicable to me - I also saw what was applicable to you :)
@graywolf nothing but a tease
@copyblogger feel free to support and help this woman all ya want - I got what it takes ;-) ha ha!
@aaswartz um... isn't aff summit in January in Vegas? :)
fantastic post: #14, #15 are probably ones most are not doing
@joehall funny, I highly doubt you're joking :)
fun fact: you don't have to agree with someone's methods to learn from them
@jeffwalker since @copyblogger told you I didn't know who you were last night, I now know who you are thanks to the call :) good stuff
wow is part of this teleseminar hitting home
love seeing experimentation in action:


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