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Getting ready to float away into sleep. I feel all floaty and calm and ready to sleep until tomorrow afternoon (Monday). Things feel odd...
Oh! Not "creating chaos" with seeing everybody. Creating chaos as in chaos in the stuff I'm working on while down here. So very tired. Hugs.
In Austin getting settled into the place I'll be living for the next two weeks or so. Looking forward to seeing everybody & creating chaos.
My Sidekick did it's version of a blue screen of death last night. Lost a lot of messages that made me laugh. Back on the road to Austin.
Finally in bed at the hotel & Shawn's asleep already. I'm in tremendous pain so hope I fall asleep quickly. The back seat does work better.
Watching the director's cut of Dark City while sitting in the back seat and slowly we head toward the hotel. Tomorrow we arrive in Austin!
On 10 heading ever so steadily toward our hotel room waiting for us in AZ. Stopping for gas, toilet, and more fluids & sustenance.
In the backseat of the car, reading & drinking lots of fluids. Passing beautiful places that make me want to stop & take lots of pictures.
Getting ready for bed. Almost totally packed. Finishing up super-early in the morning. Lots & lots of pain. Just want to get there safely.
Dreaming of a drive that will not wear us out & will instead make us feel connected to one another & the world around us. Almost all packed.
@bunneh: That's totally gross. I would report it since that's so ... ewwwww.
Waking up in pain. I did far too much this week and I can FEEL it through out everything. Ouch. Double ouch. On the plus side? Packing = :-)
Just finished baking oatmeal chocolate chip cookies due to insomnia. Want sleep!
Feeling utter panic. Money frightens me more than anything right now & the fact I can't work makes it even worse. Need a disability lawyer!
Having problems sleeping due to anxiety & the worry I'll forget something important for this trip. It really worries me & not normal for me.
Getting ready for bed and finishing up the ritual of packing for a two week trip down to Austin. Anybody want to drive me back afterward ......
I love Ethiopian food SO much. That and the peanut sauce from Phuket on Haight make me happy to eat, even when I'm not feeling so great.
Dreaming of falling in love with somebody who is in love with me. Forever and ever. Love hurts but I want it to be worth it. I love him.
Dreaming that true love can fix everything. Even when it feels broken. Trying to believe true love will win against all set against it.
Sitting in bed trying to figure out what to do when there's nothing but ugliness waiting.


Jack Dorsey Evan Williams Minger Frank Gilroy Nomine bunneh Luca Cappelletti massimo loredana Scilla Andreen Indie SXSW SXSW Twits John Adams MAKE Magazine / pt David de Lara Deals TwitLit Trendio N Warren Ellis Jonathan Kyle jeph jacques RoadRiverRail melantha71 Randal Milholland dmorbeto SororBabylon