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Right, outta here. Spot ya!
@teachernz Gotcha, had actually heard of White Fang etc. and Doctorow sounds an interesting bloke!
@teachernz sorry, crossed paths there - who the hell is jack London & Cory Doctorow?
@NZWaikato my thoughts exactly @jshe happy travels, late for you - early one for me. Spot ya!
@NZWaikato ask @audaciousgloop about where to recycle computers, he asked the same Q this morning and prob has answer by now
@jshe That would be hard work, but I have a colleague who wanders around with a pda reading novels all the time, it's just not me.
retweet: New blog post on Atlantic Article - 'Is google making us Stoopid?' http://steedysblog.blogspot... (if you missed it this am.)
@Moodlegirl 106 pages in 1hour, that's good - what wine do you drink that enables that. I need some. I'm such a plod reader.
@tonitones best Christmas baking is the Girls Brigade Xmas cakes, they are still $10 for the mix, despite tough times, and fail safe yumness
@mumbleboy love those stats, that's a cool find at
Trying to remove all personal items from my office so teacher replacing me for next year can have the space theirs - 8 years of stuff eek
@tonitones awesome, arrived safe and sound. Thanks!!!
New blog post on Atlantic Article - 'Is google making us Stoopid?' http://steedysblog.blogspot...
@tonitones brilliant, just in time for Christmas - it will be a must read. Cheers!
Another excellent Time photo winner. In the timeless words of my father "It's all *rse about face"
Just looking at Time - photos of the year. This one stood out
@teachernz yes the ease surprised me too, that capture of dialogue in Haiti really illustrated it
@teachernz just read the slavery article, it's tragic beyond belief, but often perpetuated by the west. It sure isn't dead
@dragonsinger57 you have company, I'm having the end of year body crash, been asleep 18 of the last 24 hours!
@robclarke Texas, wicked! Have an awesome time!


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