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Am attempting to keep up a clinical journal. It's tedious. Am finding it difficult figuring out what to write.
Deciding what book to read next. Couldn't bring myself to finish (or fully start) Love in the Time of Cholera.
Am enjoying the first day in a very long time that I don't have any pressure to be anywhere anytime soon.
Am so very physically and emotionally drained. Need to get away.
Am contemplating costume ideas for the Make-A-Wish Halloween Ball. Have got something in mind. Just gotta find where to get it from.
Turning 22 tomorrow. Excited. Going to look for a new camera since my ol' Sony Cybershot got stolen last week. So excited.
Am finishing the last of my assignments for this semester. When it's done, I can finally let my brain rest in the refuge of literature.
Have got a sore arm from the Gardasil shot. Glad it's over and done with.
After having just watched No Reservations, I've decided to re-read The Food of Love by Anthony Capella. Such a good book.
Crappy start to the week. Missed assignment deadline yesterday. Had a minor car accident today. Feels like the shit has hit the fan.
Wanna take belly dancing lessons. ROFLMAO XD
Supposed to be studying. Instead watching Run Fatboy, Run. Makes me want to run a marathon. If only they weren't always held on Sundays x_x
Am excited about going to the snow this weekend. Still tossing up whether or not I want to hire skis and spend most of the day on my ass.
Uni labs for mental health subject really tug at teh heartstrings.
I can't believe teh laptop I'm using can log users on by scanning their fingerprints. How incredibly superfluous, but still very AWESOME.
Holidays already almost over. WHERE DID ALL MY TIME GO??! Gotta compress 3 weeks of catching up into one week... *sigh*
Can't wait until Wednesday is over. After exams, my face is going to be glued to a book for the next month.
Sleep is good. Oh, how I missed the simple luxury of being able to sleep in until 9.30 every morning. So glad clinicals are over.
Just finished my last assignment for this semester. FREEDOM! Tomorrow will be my first official day of recuperation since a month ago.
Clinicals are finally over. No more working 6 day weeks. Yay! Just gotta get through an assignment this weekend, then no more stress.


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