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All systems are "go". That's good news!
My PBwiki is really pissing me off this morning. Ugh!
PathFinder 5.0.3 still doesn't save my dual pane preferences... How hard is it to ALWAYS display dual panes, seriously?
Installing Apple's Safari 3.2.1 update. Amused that the version number is like a countdown to the required restart
@snookca Hotspot Shield is an easy way to watch Hulu...
Calamari with ranch sauce? Only at Lone Star... Ugh.
@feather I'm gonna try n' make it to that lunch session dude. ;)
@somnambulant I wish there was a way to disable that, but alas there isn't... I don't think it's just iPhone related either.
Gmail's "Shiny" and "Phantasea" themes ain't too bad, the "Terminal" theme is amusing, and most of the others are just bleh.
Adobe Updater has 133% (138/103 MB) of an InDesign update downloaded. WTF?
Just got a Boxee invite... sweet.
Two years ago today Teresa and I camped out in front of Future Shop to get a Wii. Good times.
Gonna mix an ambient house set to relax and then it's off to bed!
my Twitterank is 31.68!
Anyone got any Boxee invites? As a long time XBMC user I'm dying to play with it
@jeffsmith That's because of Tim Horton's crappy cups. Specifically the tops. They never open properly for me
I wasn't nearly as productive as I had planned to be today. Damn you chutney, damn you!
I'm not a fan of the new Songbird app icon. I hoped that egg would hatch into something cooler than a pair of (Sennheiser?) headphones
@bryanveloso Yup, Canadian bacon comes from a different part of the pig AFAIK and tastes... more hammy. T'is great with maple syrup. :)


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