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is handling the shopping madness with less anxiety than usual.
is getting this PARTY STARTED.
@ivegoneGRAPHIC We miss you too! I'll be sure to email you photos tomorrow, or maybe we'll just keep our iChats open all day long?
Finish this line: "Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other is gold..." (@karina_ is NOT allowed to participate.)
is rewatching James Logan's 2005 winter show and remembering why I loved the activity.
@DavidAll I just watched this Crime Drama last night and it was really good/sufficiently creepy:
at Uptown looking wistfully towards Peets, thinking of @ultravphunter and @karina_ *sigh*:)
@faintstarlite If you guys want to share a place in DC, let me know. It's SUPER pricey, frick.
New wellies arrived just in time! Love them! Check it:
Wonders where in the USA her peacock printed wellies are? She hopes the rain holds off until they arrive!
thinks she's forgotten how to use the REAL internet as a result of the combined effects of RSS and iPhone apps. Facebook "dot com?" Dot wha? - Rock The Vote know their demographic:
Locked her keys in her car AGAIN! Silly girl.
wonders why we aren't more vocal about gas being all kinds of cheap right now. Can I get an amen?
Says, "'sup Tuesday? Thanks for all the energy!"
is enjoying not being a slave to political news even more than she thought she would. Spent quality time with @karina_ AND got crafty.
@HayleyTownley oh noes! How the heck did they mess up THAT badly!?


Brendon P Stanley CNN Breaking News Kevin Rose Justin Cooley David Prager Barack Obama Sarah Lane Shelby Highsmith Patrick Ruffini David All Revision3 Rob Bluey Hank Green David Colarusso Why Tuesday? Wally Ethan Bloch marklee3d Chris Eff Tony disneykid1 Jake kevjumba anhhung18901 Michael Buckley Adam benbernanke ModestJesse Lisa_Nova paulrobinett Karina