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Spiders by Moby != Spiders by System of a Down. Was briefly confused :D
Also I just discovered i left my hex keys at work so can't put the wet weather pads on my bike. grrrr
Curse you rain, i stab at thee!
@andypiper hmmm, have you specified width/height attributes? Or are we expected (and failing) to respect implicit size?
@andypiper what's up with WebKit's SVG behaviour? If you have a testcase where it goes wrong, it would be great if you could report it :D
@josemotanet Colour correction is a feature of the main Apple WebKit, as WebKit just defers to the platform for image decoding
@codinghorror hahah, you suck :D (in the nicest possible way of course)
Personally I want the former to be true.
Either Fedex trucks can travel at 400mph, or the Fedex tracking system is not flawless.
Apparently we don't jit code to negate a number... ~4% on my edge detection code O_o
@csreed a rape victim may not have a choice about what hospital they go to, a doctor can choose not to work in a hospital
@csreed um... so a doctor should be alllowed to not treat rape victims?
Actually -- I wonder if that means doctors could refuse to treat people with a faith that their faith says is wrong
Wow, apparently Bush hates rape victims and democracy --
Just ordered a new macbook pro. weee!
@ooeygui i answer js questions periodically -- and get irritated by various answers from people who don't actually know what JS does.
Am I the only person who thinks StackOverflow needs a "correct the misconception of user" button? var f=function(){} != var f=function f(){}
@jeresig bloody hell, do the ie team actively conspire against standards?
wow, got home just before the heavens opened apparently. lucky me.


ilona Faruk Ates John Gruber John Siracusa Dean Jackson John Resig Todd Ditchendorf Barack Obama Pratik Solanki Ian Hickson Wil Shipley Dan Wood Mark Rowe Anne van Kesteren Leo Laporte WHATWG Jeff Atwood DreamHost Status Keith Stattenfield Oliver Breidenbach Mark Pauley Patrick Piemonte Jessica Kahn the_proton Don Melton brehaut Jim Puls cwgabriel grrl_unscripted Colter Reed Francisco Tolmasky nbontempo othermaciej Jacob Seidelin bfulgham cern