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Just seen sponsored results in for the first time.
Excellent interview with former USA and Fulham captain Brian McBride
Interesting article from Slightly Shady SEO on Google's User Data Empire
@makakman and Fulham up to tenth with a game in hand. I'd take that come the end of the season.
They've Cracked It! Bletchley Park Gets Donation Lifeline
Good lord - British Govt want shops to take biometrics. Big brither is watching you shop.
@makakman is 94 too, which is just mad as I seldom use Twitter. Shows how many users are inactive.
If I change the privacy settings on a domain, how long before it's private? Are the old owner details retained in public places?
Girlf has me trying TwitterFox, but I've moved on to Chrome for most of my work day. Decisions, decisions.
On such a beautiful day I really shouldn't be sat in front of a computer.
That's odd, both SU and Twitter have new GUIs today.
Bloody hell, haven't posted here for 26 days.
I've turned off getting new messages via IM. Twitter just doesn't work for me as a website experience and I want to respond with IM.
@patrickaltoft That was cool, missed that on your blog before. I rank 66th for Liam. Have to start link building...
@smallbiztrends @DavidKeffen Thanks for the follows. Anyone else from SEOBook Community here?
@dogbomb Whilst I don't know that mix, Never Ever was Amazing Grace with a backbeat.
@discuit Google last crawled the page on "11 Jun 2008 02:35:39 GMT" I presume the title has changed since then.
@EricLander I actually bought one for the girlf this morning.
still wondering why twitter fiddles whilst Romes burns. The longer without IM input, the more people will graviate away from here.


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