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@leeodden Congratulations! That must be a fantastic feeling :)
@cyandle The Canon Ixus or Sony PowerShot. Or the new waterproof Olympus ... Maybe not much help ;)
@jmilles It is dark. That's why we love the Christmas lights :)
@jmilles Are you spending Christmas in Iceland?
So nice to be back in Iceland. Storm outside. At the brightest time of the day, the lights still needs to be on, only bad news on the media.
@msantoyo Thanks for that, and congrats on your deal. Sounds like a great one.
@RobinBernstein oh, excellent. Didn't won't to come back The "fantasmic" world of Disney is so much more appealing than Icelandic economy ;)
Can anyone explain to me why I have to go through a very thorough security check when I'm arriving at a Schengen airport coming from US?
Hi Tweeps, I'm back :)
@msantoyo Florida (and Disney World) is treating me too nicely. Not looking forward to return to shut down economy. How's Argentina?
@podcaststeve it's morning, I'm in Florida, enjoying the "cold winter days" here :) Reading news about riots in Iceland.
Tip for a longer battery life on your Mac. Turn Airport off.
Love this kind of solutions. So simple, yet so effective. You wonder why noone came up with this a long time ago:
@Jimconnolly I'm putting it up. Have just released my first ebook and will be adding more soon.
@NevrSurrender Usually don't do that, but you sounded like you were on the same "wave length" :) Don't worry, I won't spam.
@xenijardin Thanks for writing about Surreal Reykjavik. I've followed up by writing an ebook on marketing in recession. DM email for a copy
I realized after I got on the plane, that I forgot to remove my Swiss army knife from my back pack. Got it through security no prob!
@PMKU yep, I'm gathering information on it, sort of missed the discussion in the last days. Been busy on
@KatjaPresnal Looks brilliant. I'm trying to convince a client to go this way, but they don't understand it all.
@LisaHoffmann By measuring how happy customers are in surveys? Happy customers are the best marketing you get.


Biz Stone Evan Williams jennycool Blaine Cook hans.gerwitz Noah Matt Galligan Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Caroline vOdB Gavin Dave McClure Tara missrogue Hunt adam Scott Beale Josh Bancroft Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Glenda Elliott Ng Jesse Burkunk Saurabh Garg Jennifer Woodard M Silk Road Nomads Greg Lexiphanic Hugo Romano Justine Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan julien Brian Conley Chuck Olsen Dave LaMorte Beth Kanter Becky McCray
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