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@ljwilkinson Thank You. That is for a German FB friend.
I've wasted 365,970 Seconds or 6,100 Minutes or 101.66 Hours or 4.24 Days with 12,199 Tweets on Twitter!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag. Ich hoffe, dass Sie Spaß haben. I don't trust this translation.
Some of you are saying get both. @charlobo @tojosan @roadkillrefugee
Economics "A Second Mortgage Disaster On The Horizon?, New Wave Of Mortgage Rate Adjustments Could Force More Homeowners To Default - CB ...
Trying to decide if I am buying Wall-E or Kung Fu Panda DVD for the nephews. I saw neither. Judging from my FB and Twitter friends Wall-E?
→_→ Racism suspected in U.S. teen's stabbing in Russia | World ( )
Black U.S. student, 18, stabbed in Russia Attack on Rhode Island teen may have been racially related, officials say
Thank You Secret Santa for my $15.00 iTunes card. I am making a list of songs to download right now.
Business Rolling paper maker sues over Obama T-shirt design ( )
→_→ "Directory of Learning Professionals on Twitter" ( )
I am going to go recycle in the rain and then do some grocery shopping. I don't have any cookies for the cookie exchange party.
Its grits and eggs time
Erran Baron Cohen performs "Dreidel" from the album Songs in the Key of Hanukkah. This song rocked last night on Conan O'brien - Look at the lone Dreidel amongst all the Santas at BART. - This is me partying with two well dressed Santacon participants.
@NoReinsGirl @hkremer @winequester I was partying with some drunk Santa Claus(s) I will be ready for the next wine tasting.
Where they burn books, they will also burn people. --Heinrich Heine
@NoReinsGirl I have been reading your tweets. I missed some good wine!!!


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