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is amazed at the amount of misinformation, disinformation, and general disarray in the rhinestone industry ... bunch of bullocks, I say!
@tshirtforums they should change the term TGIF to OhMyGawdNotAnotherFriday
@tshirtforums laughs at "technical issues" excuse ... basically translates to "technically, we have (pottymouth term here) for employees"
Just ordered a bunch more Rhinestones, studs, etc. ... like 30 different colors and styles to bling out the new year!
@queer_republic I think Robert just called you "Short Bus" WTH??? Are you gonna take that from him???
@kam613 sooo tedious (code and web stuff and writing), but Rodney and Robert have annoyed me so much today that I am designing tees for them
wrapping up shopping at my beloved Amazon, now that everyone in the house has gone beddy-bye, then more joomla module installs, then BOURBON
@deathisgain713 working on Robert's new line of hemanalicious designer t-shirts
@kam613 maybe I can just design one for me to wear ... no $$$ in it, but it's a conversation starter
@kam613 now how do I design a t-shirt for that ... that will actually sell??? Don't get me wrong, I'll use the nick, but
ROFLMAO @ijoomla 's banner for ijoomla magazine "when was the last time your site got laid out" ... friggin' brilliant!
@deathisgain713 trying to decide how gay I can make a rhinestone design using Robert's fonts ... or flaming avatar head
back to blogging at T-Shirt Forums ... my tale of the horse poop fiasco is INFAMOUS
@deathisgain713 ... quit tw-eaves dropping
@tshirtforums How about a general menu link to the latest blogs posted by members bothering to do so on your forums, hmmmmm?????
Pet Peeve #1 (literally): a terrier that pays no attention to me, until 15 minutes before supper time ... she is following me EVERYWHERE!
@tshirtforums you need to get a twitter icon for the forum posts ... it's missing, my friend
@TimTodd thanks for the interview ... no mention of Woke Up Dead?
I am sooo jealous!!! @deathisgain713 @queer_republic ... I need to get back to Georgia
@tshirtforums sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet


leighann dufurrena sheridanzig JoeWhiteside SubHub PopeBenny TimTodd ChristieC GOONKA Rodney Blackwell daGOOSiE deathisgain713 Drew Kidder Queer Republic Tees kam613 LifeOnMarsABC MrsKorda Garment Printer Guy Mental Refugee Homer Smith brent mcpherson ijoomla