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And, apparently, update mundane things to Twitter.
Still haven't cleaned. Or done anything on my to-do list for that matter, except e-mailed a few people.
(I feel the need to clarify that Iam already wearing *some* clothes. )
It stopped snowing! Ihope it's still this nice by the time I finish putting on socks, shoes, a sweater, gloves, scarf, coat and hat!
Oh, WOW, so much snow! I love it! So pretty! Can't wait until it stops falling so I can take photos! #snowmageddon
@rpg7twit You *are* Twitterific. It's all good.
@rpg7twit You need to @ my *username*, not my *actual* name, _@Richard_ =) Some boring person in Ecuador seems to have the Eva-account
My friend wants me to go cross-country skiing: "It's like walking, and it really hurts" "Wow, you really know how to sell it!"
My sister asked a prof for a reference letter *for Sydney*. They wrote it *in Dutch*, and she can't figure out if it was spite or stupidity.
@yokofakun Why not? I'm thinking I should just add an ad hoc hypothesis ("Snow cools coffee"), and it's a Nature paper right there, right?
Experimental setup: left coffee unattended in front of open window, outside of which there is much snow. Result: cold coffee.
Woke up laughing from a dream at 6:45, wrote it all down (potential blog post! It was NN related), and fell back asleep until 11.
@rpg7twit "And that Tweet was the last we ever heard of him... THE END"
@nakedknitgirl I might - there aren't a lot of vegetarian recipes around. It's always either vegan or meat.
Oh god, this is going to be way harder than my 2008 resolution of finishing my PhD!
Maybe I'll go crazy nuts and make that 3 *vegetarian* dishes PLUS 1 meat dish, if I'm going to make other people eat it anyway.
2009 resolution: I'm going to learn to cook 3 dishes that are delicious. Friends, beware of taste tests. (Maybe not Maria - I like cheese!)
@photojunkie Bwaha! I remember when those were *fashionable* rather than ugly. What was it - 1989 or something?
@nakedknitgirl No, it's just warming up. That's not frostbite. Trust me, I'm a doctor! =D
The laundry room is open again, and the dryers are free for the weekend (gratis - NOT unoccupied) so everyone is doing laundry now. Grr.


Phil Nelson Alexa Clark Hsien James McNally bunneh Rannie Turingan Deepak John Martz Matt Wood Sameer Vasta Ricardo Vidal Matthew Burpee Matt Haughey Betsy Weber Philip J. M. Johnson Connie Crosby Kambiz Kamrani Dave Linabury Natalie B Joey deVilla Wendy Koslow Nick O'Neill Mike Allan Silvergull Kieran Huggins Andrea Matthew Baldwin Eric Suh Maxine Clarke Bertalan Meskó Remember The Milk Doug Sheppard Fiona Saleem Khan attilacsordas Pedro Beltrao