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Shopping & then going to @citizenspace for some holiday cheer + mulled wine
Reading "The Time Paradox" by Phillip Zimbardo, waiting for this cough to go away
@hrlori hope your night gets better! Great to see you at CitizenSpace. Let's meet up this next week
Chilling at home w/ @ridley
@susankitchens Yes, I highly recommend Irony -- Pinot Noir from Monterey. My fave wine! Hope you're well! Will email + get caught up
Sipping Irony in a plastic cup, walking @ridley, post @citizenspace party. Congrats @missrogue 4 a super fun evening
@missrogue bought many bottles of Irony! At CitizenSpace w/ @crazywanda, @susanwu, @quepol, @laughingsquid, @hrlori, @susanmernit + more
Riding in an elavator with Santa Claus to the #cohoparty
Heading out to the @citizenspace party after a very productive day. Lots of great projects on the horizon
Working at the office -- super sunny outside today in SF. Excited about being well enough to go to @citizenspace's holiday party. Yay 4 me!
@khartline big congrats on the awesome new gig! So many book ideas, too. Let's get drinks soon (or in my case, soup) to celebrate!
@gingerw sending you lots of twitter luv! Finally starting to feel better against this flu thingy. Will DM you 2morrow.
@doverbey no question: mr. @ridley's heart belongs to @missrogue. They're PFF (pug friendz forever). I'm the happy co-mom
Missed everyone @techset b/c of my #flubug esp. @stephagresta, @briansolis, @khartline, @missrogue. Super happy it was a success!
@nwjerseyliz still with flu, but better. Taking it easy. How are you? We're all going to have a long season of twitterbugs ahead
Heavy cough, time for bed.
Flu is kicking my @ss, made worse by having to deal with a very uncomfortable, hard situation that needs resolution. Life = unfair.
The flu + other things are making me feel ill. Deciding this is the week to take action on a long overdue issue.
@themaria it's from the closing scenes in "Adaptation." I <3 Charlie Kaufman's weird, beautiful brilliance. Next to Tom Stoppard


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Tony Stubblebine Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Blaine Cook Jerry Michalski danah boyd Ross tedr Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Kathy Johnson Hillary Hartley tommy payne Scott Beale Tom Limongello Roderick Aubrey Sabala thomasknoll Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Christine Herron lane Glenda Tim Bonnemann Keith Williams Thor Muller Amy Muller Molly Ditmore David Parmet Alicia Alex Hillman Megan McCarthy
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