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'You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming.' -Pablo Neruda talking about the coming economic storm. Good night.
@GeekMommy I enjoyed listening. But I think there are other, larger, & more critical ethical topics in soc med that aught to be discussed.
@Nailholes "Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony."
@dahowlett right. i don't know if you got to 2/2, but he mentions ESME:
@sandysantra That's a good practice to get into once in a while. great questions. are you enjoying it or just drawn to it?
@dahowlett here's an interesting post (1 of 2 parts) from Siemens PLM (of all peeps) on Tw et al:
@dahowlett OK, I'll have a dig up a pic of Brad Pitt to throw up there.
I might be over here at 8a edt for some ethics and giggles: [Open in new window]
@gloriabell haha...Tweet2God...another useful Twitter service ;)
@bennovack I suppose so.. still, wouldn't crack or meth be a better.high for. Them?
@mvndrvrt sorry..."hipaa beaten and repealed, very cool" that cobo? ;)
@mvndrvrt didn't mean to cause a brain infarct. w about "hipaa
Why game systems when u can just be remarkable? Are most biz suites the kids who spent 5 hrs learning to cheat instead of 1 hour to study?
@amblass I'll give u feedbck re ebook after my guerilla with attention obesity calms down ;)
@healthmashr re: hipaa, cool - I'll check it out. Thnx
@ederdn re: emailing tweet...might be a mashup. May need to set up a tw account, have that feed into another client. Hmm, I'll scan arou ...
@2bestrong weather supposed to be bad here too. Time for maui.
@healthcampphila Meet @annezieger who would be interested in HealthCampDC ... Anne:


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