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@misszoot doh, nevermind. I thought it was released today. Not a year ago. :(
@misszoot Seen this "exclusive" clip of Twilight?
Wish I had something more than a 12" wrench though. Or I could see through muddy water to figure out the valve... all I got was soaked.
Just had the fourth nice person stop to let us know about the broken pipe. Very appreciative of our neighbors.
@MLx Thanks for the link.
@mike9r So conservatives are generally happier people?
Weeeee! Broken water pipe just on our side of the meter.
Here's hoping for big iMac updates from Apple before spring.
I'm so ready to dump my G5 for an Intel machine... and play Warhammer instead of WoW.
Yea! Birmingham Airport at 5am.
What's the issue with the ATF-"sponsored" building going up on the arsenal?
@gruber wont care, but the one thing this election did most was tarnish my opinion of so many online folks that I previously respected.
First black leader of USA. Before Europe. Yet we're a heck of a lot younger.
They all vote for the guy that promises much for everyone, but deep inside it's the "me" in everyone that they're thinking about.
@ccgus Can you imagine the backlash in '12 if he screws it all up?
But he's got a lot of hype to live up to. More than Episode One for all the Star Wars fan-atics. Let's hope he does better though.
Obama's a true blank slate... in too many ways, alas, but he's in and I'm ready to see him be Mr Super Awesome Amazing President.
I'm sure if McCain had won Obama supporters everywhere (especially Twitter) would have been stepping up to support him.
@ariedana No different from supporting Bush when he was right? He was sometimes, even if he screwed up so fiercely.
Romulus Augustus.


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