Connie Reece’s Favorites

Leslie Carothers
tkpleslie The best of twitter...a place to come together & lift up the struggling, the sick, the lonely- in other words, all of us at some point.
Mack Collier
MackCollier Sending me a DM as soon as I follow you asking me to click on your link, no matter WHAT it is, is NEVER a good idea. Communicate first ppl.
Scott Monty
Steve Woodruff
swoodruff @GeoffLiving I think the Guv of Illinois is going to need a serious Personal Brand Makeover. Forwarded your name.
Laura P Thomas
LPT @BeckyMcCray - you're welcome to join us Friday morning, 7am SLT at
Ed Nicholson
ederdn @conniereece Re neglecting RSS: I'm _way_ oversubscribed. Gotta figure a better way to manage. Let us know when you get it down.
David Murray
Chance Sanford
SWcamp_Junkie @conniereece I completely agree. I checked my google reader the other day, but had neglected for about two weeks. Lots of catching up to do.
Mike Chapman
MikeChapman @conniereece I'll admit that I forget all about google reader for days. Ok weeks but don't tell anyone.
George Dearing
GeorgeDearing @conniereece RE: RSS neglect -between our company intranet, Web Clips in Gmail & occasional glances at iGoogle -- trad.feedreading=way down
Lee Aase
Richie Escovedo
vedo @conniereece I've let my RSS feeds get OOC (out of control) - you are right about great resources I find here in Twitter.
Jon Burg
JonBurg @conniereece I regularly forget RSS aggregators in favor of my community aggregation of twitter. Just smarter than mass subscribing to RSS
Laura P Thomas
LPT @conniereece - /me raises hand (again) haven't used my Bloglines or Google Reader accts in ages.
Kabren Levinson
Tim Siedell
badbanana This means the recession actually started during the American Idol reign of Jordin Sparks. We all owe David Cook an apology.
Mack Collier
MackCollier @BethHarte That is another sign of your greatness. Next up, you become a verb. "I'm gonna @Bethharte that shit!"
Connie Reece
conniereece My tweet #15,000 was msg to socialmedia-Twitter basher explaining why we were repeating TV news--for benefit of ppl wanting info on #mumbai.
PhillyMac_Chat @mikeneumann They've been "getting" (more like propagating the wrong interpretation to their benefit) the Constitution wrong since the 70s
Mike Chapman
MikeChapman Another full day here in KL Malaysia. We - & - are meeting about the new media environment.


BJ Cook Dustin Jacobsen Kelly Cookson George Brett Daniel Johnson, Jr. Susan Scrupski mdy Sooz Josh Hallett   christine Corey Pudhorodsky Dave LaMorte Beth Kanter Matt Homann Alex Rudloff Jay Moonah Becky McCray Elisa Camahort Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long Phil Gerbyshak Teressa Flye Mario Vellandi Jack Hodgson Alex de Carvalho  C.C. Chapman Adam Broitman Howard Greenstein Todd R Jordan  Chris Heuer Kevin Lim giovanni Andrea Weckerle Sean Howard Jane Quigley
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