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Horrible camera phone pic, but about 15 dolphins playing off beach at fort funston today
If I had to choose, the bandaid would be the grossest thing found in the dryer, but the chapstick and tissues were bad too.
@devindra played a little awkward with all the commercial breaks but still very compelling
@gmanreviews caught the afternoon airing, would be nice if they aired without commercials, still very moving
Rove To "Name Names And Show Examples" Of Bush Haters In New Book, you forgot my name asshole
Everybody should try to see documentary Dear Zachary. On MSNBC now and later tonight.
@1938media but but but its a new medium, and I have followers, I can call myself a "consultant" or a "strategist", I don't even need ideas!
@kevinrose how many @ replies you get most days?
@boxee netflix wont pause, display said paused, crashed, sound from movie still playing with boxee closed? Reopen, 2nd audio plays on top?
@gadgetboy I've been using this for iphone remote for awhile, works awesome for other apps as well
@ginatrapani Man on Wire doesnt come out til tuesday : ( Lots of forehead slapping after recommended it
@WineGuyKy Are you asking iphone-wise? I like evernote, syncs nicely and has few extra feature I like. Still waiting for great to-do app tho
Wow, just got a check from AT&T for $13.98 for ripping me off or something I had no idea they'd even done. Now where to splurge?
Dammit, whenever Kill Bill is on TV I can't look away, glad I went for a run earlier so less guilt early afternoon TV watching
@EarthEmperor The fruit is good for you, same for pomegranates but the scarcity and price of the fruit makes it seem more special


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