David Raynes’s Favorites

hotdogsladies FACT: "Parenthood" is from the Greek. "Parent-" means "unconditional love." And "-hood" means "someone always has a head cold, forever."
Jeff Atwood
codinghorror sigh. time to implement "penalize users who vote down another user 15+ times in a row" code. In other news, people suck.
otherniceman High-Order Perl book, free download. #mt
JohnCleese I'm being followed by @thefuckingpope
hotdogsladies Somewhere, a sad, obese man in pristine ASICS scarfs cookie dough over an unopened _Runner's World_, complaining that he needs more "tips."
Jenn Raynes
jlraynes Can not take the cuteness. William climbed into Nick's bed to sleep to sleep next to him tonight.
Wil Wheaton
wilw Just prop'd this: Paizo is selling (way overpriced but still cool to look at) glow-in-the-dark Cthluhu dice!
Anil Dash
anildash What do you mean my aggressive self-righteousness isn't persuasive? Perhaps if I were yelling louder? Insulting you more?
hotdogsladies Shakespeare enables comments: 1. Fake! Marloweshop 2. Methinks more like FART of Avon 3. First 4. Verily: Hamlet = GAY 5. Thanks for ye add!
Anil Dash
anildash @barackobama I will paypal you $20 if you intersperse the phrase "Allah willing" throughout your inaugural address, just to piss people off.
Jeff Atwood
codinghorror Task #1: build website. Task #2: keep website from exploding.
Jim Ramsey
jimramsey My son just woke up coughing violently and I ran in and sat him up and he threw up right into my hands. Ah, parenthood.
Matt Haughey
mathowie I wonder how many down and out people could have eaten meals and gotten clothing with the $70mil CA churches spent on Yes On 8 advertising.
Jeff Atwood
codinghorror it is *scary* how crappily coded WordPress is. Lesson: coding skill irrelevant and ultimately unnecessary. Only design and community matter.
Matt Haughey
mathowie Now I can't wait for cabinet appointments. I'm dreaming of "Bruce Schneier, head of Homeland Security" tonight.
kevinshay New name for Sarah Palin: Footnote Mom.
kevinshay Judging from the chanting at the (Red Sox) bar on 5th Avenue, Barry O. is more popular than either the Football Giants or the Red Sox.
Matt Haughey
mathowie This should be on a tshirt:
kevinshay OK, so I fed a troll...
Matt Haughey
mathowie I hear Obama's first order as president is new bicycles for all


adam leftsider Michael Sippey Matt Jacobs Walt Dickinson Andre Torrez finn Steve Ivy rands miz_ginevra Brad Choate Anil Dash Jay Allen James Cox Twitterrific Lisa Phillips David Recordon hotdogsladies Jason J. Thomas Matt Haughey amber mac David Jacobs Sarah Sosiak Six Apart Aaron Brazell Steve Mermelstein Chris Ernest Hall Rick Klau Chris Fullman Beau Smith Wil Wheaton Mike Kania Benjamin Trott Jesse Gardner? №! Deals Remember The Milk