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Think Twice Before Opening a Store Credit Card to Save 15%!: The Big Question “Would You Like to Save 15 p..
@BobSanti It's pretty funny. She's a pretty random person. @JakePlanton I hear that from many people.
Suze Orman just 'approved' of someone to buy a purse for $8,900. Are you flipping kidding me? (I'm not a regular viewer)
I'm putting my weekly updates together for transactions currently in progress. It might be a late night
@mrdallasjmoore It was a brave day to be looking at homes. You and @HighSociety are setting an example on how to shop in winter weather!
@leslieberg Yea, I bet it's worse now! (sorry for the delay Leslie!) "Travel not advised"... sounds like a challenge
@mrdallasjmoore yea... With time. Did you and Ashley get home safe?
Friendly Advice: stay away from the mall. It's slammed.
@brianwentz El Rodeo is the best place in town! Hands down.
@mrdallasjmoore good luck! He JUST got a Facebook account.
@mrdallasjmoore is it a blizzard in Ankeny too?
Based on the traffic in West Des Moines, there is a gold rush I was not informed of.
@drubloomfield Better, yes. Not back to 100%though. As long as I can get into the office, it's a good day!
First one in, last one out. But I'm not a fire fighter. I'm a Certified Mortgage Planner... That means I can help with your mortgage :)
@kmracek Sounds great! I'll e-mail you something to take a look at before we chat next week!
@jmchood haha! No.. It's cold and dark. I have a nicely heated seat in my car to warm me up for the meeting though ;)
@jennoz I'm going to go with flexible ;)
Just scheduled a 6am appointment for Monday. Flexible?... Yea, I am.
Hahaha R/T @WSJ: Blagojevich Says He Isn't Guilty


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